a. Research on human intuition and psychic abilities. (Science also
uses the terms "paranormal abilities" or "ESP").
b. IntuitionTester. A software, which is designed
to MEASURE and ANALYZE psychic power of humans (namely, Precognition
- the ability to predict the future and Clairvoyance
- the ability to get information unobtainable by any of our normal
c. Free preview of music
for ESP tests , addressed to
people who want to develop their imagination and psychics abilities.
On some days our intuition
seems stronger than on others - and sometimes it's completely

This way we
could make important decisions only when our intuition is
at its strongest! |
Psychic (paranormal) intuition
... trading
stocks ... lottery ... investments ... marriage ...
... career change ... planning ... real estate purchases ... travel ...
gambling ...
What's common in all these activities? If you said the involvement
of your intuition, you're correct!
In all these cases, and thousands of other, we try to compensate for
unknown factors with our intuitive abilities.
Psychics intuition - also referred in science as "paranormal abilities"
or "Extra Sensory Perception" (ESP) - is our ability to obtain
information about past, present (Clairvoyance) or future (Precognition) events without using the
"normal" five senses.
Scientific examples of psychic
(paranormal) intuition
Here are a several
scientifically-researched examples of paranormal intuition (detailed
descriptions of the studies, and their references, appear in the scientific background section):
Dangerous situations
A classical study published by W.E. Cox showed that the number of
tickets sold for the trains that crash is usually less than the number
of tickets for similar trains on the same day of the previous
week. In other words, people somehow foresee and avoid
life-treating situation. Remember how abnormally few people were on the
planes that crashed on September 11, 2001!) Read more
Business opportunities
A study published by Dean, Mihalsky, Schroeder & Ostrander showed
that: “Eighty percent of highly successful company presidents ...
scored above chance on computerized precognition tests …” Read more
Intuition Training
A study published by M. Zilberman showed that intuition can be trained using immediate audio and visual feedback after each trial in a computer-generated random series.

Deviation from the random level for
the trials accumulated by first and second
halves of series. (posted with permission of author)
Casino success
A study published by D.Radin and J. Rebman showed that payouts in a
Las Vegas casino are not constant and significantly correlate with the
Earth’s geomagnetic activity and lunar cycle. Read more
A study published by M. Zilberman showed that the human "luckiness"
in European numerical lotteries shows similar trends in different
countries and correlates with geomagnetic activity on the day of
lottery draw. Read
This Web-site was developed for you
to read about the IntuitionTester and even download your own copy of the software that
was designed to measure human paranormal abilities (i.e.
Precognition and Clairvoyance).
was initially created for purposes of science, to find out if
paranormal intuition could be trained using audio-visual feedback. (You
can read the results of this scientific study here.)
Now we has made
IntuitionTester available to the public in a newly-designed version,
with an easy-to-use, customizable interface and multi-user
support. It is currently available through “IntuitionTester.com”,
the Web-site you are currently at!
Please note: IntuitionTester does't measure your strength in telepathy
or telekinesis. It deals only with Precognition and Clairvoyance.